

There are several programs designed to help military students fund their education 和 it can difficult to determine which benefit will best suit your educational needs. 帮助您获取信息,做出明智的决定, 软件下载提供了以下资源供您参考.



U.S. 退伍军人,美国现役军人.S. 严重受伤的美国军人.S. 美国军人、配偶和家属.S. 现役军人和重伤军人.S. 服役人员和已故服役人员的家属可能符合资格.


  • 光荣退伍军人,包括重伤军人,
  • 参加研究生课程的现役军人
  • National guard or reserves that are not activated or actively training 和 drilling in preparation for potential activation (have served in good st和ing but are not classified as Veterans for VA benefit purposes)
  • 已故军人的家属,以及
  • 现役军人的家属 & 重伤军人

学费 reduction to $250 per credit + full Learner 资源 Fee 和 Enrollment Fee

  • 参加本科课程的现役军人
  • National Guard or Reserves must be either activated or actively training 和 drilling in preparation for potential activation



Recipients must be packaged at direct cost (receiving financial aid for tuition 和 fees only)

数额: 资助金额各不相同. 详情请参阅候选人描述.




There are numerous types of Chapter 和 Federal 好处 available to veterans, 现役军人, 警卫/预备役人员, 以及他们的家人.  下面列出了以下好处.


911后的资助包括黄丝带, 权利转让, 以及海军陆战队枪炮中士约翰·大卫·弗莱奖学金.

Post-911 provides financial support for education 和 housing to individuals serving after September 10, 2001.  有关911后的资料,请浏览: U.S. 退伍军人事务部教育和培训部

911后的福利可能会传给家属和配偶.  For more information regarding Transfer of Post-911 GI Bill® Benefits to Dependents (TEB) please visit : 9/11后退伍军人法案®转移到配偶和家属的教育和培训.

Yellow ribbon may be given to veterans entitled to their maximum benefit rate for Post-911.  有关黄丝带福利的详情,请浏览: 黄丝带计划.

The John David Fry scholarship may be given to children 和 spouses of service members who die in the line of duty after September 10, 2001.  For more information regarding the Marine Gunnery Sergeant John David Fry Scholarship please visit: 什么是弗莱奖学金,谁有资格获得奖学金?.

点击这里 登记一般邮政911, 黄丝带, 权利转让, 以及海军陆战队GYSGT约翰·大卫·弗莱奖学金.


The Montgomery GI Bill® encompasses both the Montgomery GI Bill® Active Duty 和 the Selected Reserves (Chapter 1606).

The Montgomery GI Bill® Active Duty can be payable within 10 years following release of active duty service.  有关蒙哥马利退伍军人法案®现役军人的信息,请访问: Montgomery GI Bill®现役(mgb - ad).

点击这里 注册蒙哥马利退伍军人法案®福利.


The 蒙哥马利退伍军人法案®选定预备役(MGIB-SR) program offers up to 36 months of education 和 training 好处. 如果你是一名军人, 海军, 空军, 海军陆战队或海岸警卫队预备役, 陆军国民警卫队, 或空军国民警卫队, 你可能有资格享受这项福利

点击这里 了解更多.

职业康复 & 雇佣(第31章)

职业康复 assists Veterans with disabilities to prepare for suitable jobs.  For more information regarding 职业康复 和 Employment please visit: 职业康复与就业(VR&E).

In order to register for 职业康复 students will need to contact their regional office.  For a listing of regional office locations 和 contact information please visit: 退伍军人福利管理局-地区福利办公室网站.


DEA provides education 和 training for spouses 和 dependents of certain veterans including prisoners of war, 成员因公受伤, 残疾人士, 以及那些因服务相关残疾而死亡的人.  有关DEA的更多资料,请浏览: 幸存者和家属援助.

点击这里 登记毒品管制局的福利.


VEAP may be available if service members made contributions from military pay to participate in this program.  有关伤残人员援助计划的资料,请浏览: 退伍军人教育援助计划(VEAP).

点击这里 登记领取就业支援计划的福利.


MyCAA is a career development 和 employment assistance program for spouses of 现役军人.  欲知详情,请浏览: 军人配偶职业发展账户幸运28计划(MyCAA).

点击这里 注册MyCAA的福利.


联邦学费援助适用于现役军人.  Each branch is listed below with more information on general eligibility 和 procedures on how to apply.  Please contact your local base’s educational department for further information.


To find out more information regarding 军队 学费 Assistance please visit: Go军队学费资助.

点击这里 申请军队学费援助.


To find out more information regarding 海军学费援助 please visit: 海军学费援助.

点击这里 申请海军学费援助. 


点击这里 申请空军学费补助.


To find out more information regarding 海军陆战队 学费 Assistance 和 how to apply please visit: 海军陆战队学费援助计划.


To find out more information regarding 海岸警卫队 学费 Assistance 和 how to apply please visit: 海岸警卫队学费援助计划.


To find out more information regarding 空军国民警卫队 学费 Assistance please visit: 空军国民警卫队学费援助计划.


To find out more information regarding 国民警卫队和预备役 学费 Assistance please visit: 国民警卫队和预备役.


Find out if the educational program you will to enroll in is approved for VA 好处.  有关已获批准的Herzing幸运28计划列表,请访问: WEAMS院校查询.

你可能有资格获得不止一项教育福利. For more information regarding eligibility please call the VA General Education Benefits hotline at: 1-888-442-4551

To speak to the VA regarding personal records please call the following: 1-314-801-0800

要联系VA地区福利办公室,请访问 退伍军人福利管理局-区域福利办公室网站定位器 联系相应的州网站. 

For more information regarding 状态 VA 好处 please contact your local VA office:

亚特兰大乔治亚州退伍军人服务部(404) 656-2300http://veterans.Georgia.gov/ 
阿克伦或托莱多俄亥俄州退伍军人服务部(877) 644-6838http://dvs.俄亥俄州.gov / veterans_education.aspx 
伯明翰阿拉巴马退伍军人事务部(334) 242-5077http://www.va.state.al.us/ 
布鲁克菲尔德,基诺沙,麦迪逊,或在线威斯康星州退伍军人事务部(800) 947-8387http://dva.状态.wi.us/ 
明尼阿波里斯市明尼苏达州退伍军人事务部(888) 546-5838http://www.mdva.状态.mn.us/ 
新奥尔良路易斯安那退伍军人事务部(225) 219-5000http://www.vetaffairs.la.gov/ 
奥马哈内布拉斯加州退伍军人事务部(402) 471-2458http://www.兽医.状态.ne.us/ 
奥兰多佛罗里达州退伍军人事务部(727) 319-7400http://www.florida兽医.org 

GI Bill®是美国军队的注册商标.S. 退伍军人事务部(VA). More information about education 好处 offered by VA is available at the official U.S. 政府网站http://www.好处.va.gov / gibill.


To find out more information regarding VA employee tuition reduction 好处 please visit our 教育伙伴网页 和 select Department of Veterans Affairs or Veteran Affairs Medical Center as your employer from the drop-down.




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